OGU is accredited by: Copperstone University, Omega Graduate Institute and Africa Christian Education Quality Council, an International Accreditation of Christian Institutions for Higher Education.
OGU is accredited by: Copperstone University, Omega Graduate Institute and Africa Christian Education Quality Council, an International Accreditation of Christian Institutions for Higher Education.
This is a Word Based Private University, consisting of a Higher Diploma in Ministry & Pastoral Studies, Bachelor of Ministry, Missions, Theology, Counseling, Education, Master Degrees and Doctor of Philosophy in different stream line Courses.
OGU imparts practical skills based on academic ability, very wide balanced variety of topics addressing the needs of today’s generation in order to cope with the needs and demands of the real world through the real word.
Our students are equipped with the best education our staff can provide in order for our students to build their ministry and further the Gospel of the Kingdom. That’s why at Omega Global University our students are not ashamed of their Alma Matter. They delightfully march down the aisle to receive their awards with a smile. Don’t miss this opportunity. The OGU Global Head Quarters is in Mbombela City, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa and African Central Office in Lusaka, Zambia.
Contact us for more information on how OGU operates, always available to assist!
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